We were told we were planted as solitaries in the church.(Psalm 68: 6) Meaning, we are registered in heaven as belonging to the Dominion city family. We aren’t supposed to marry outside the church or leave the church. Curses were laid on those who acted contrarily to these rules
By Vicky Ejeh-Micah
Giving up religion was one of the most interesting journey I ever embarked on and the most beautiful so far.
I was born and raised a Catholic. The only sacrament remaining for me to fulfil as a Catholic was marriage.
I left Catholic Church in search for brighter light. As a 17 year old, I was preaching in the early hours of the morning (Morning Cry) disturbing neighbours and also preaching in busses after reading Benny Hinn.
I liked Chris Oyakhilome’s teachings too (Rhema) and became a baptised member and also a partner of Christ Embassy. As a partner, I struggled to meet up with the partnership demand of 100k at the end of the year to see Pastor Chris (Upper 7). No matter how much I tried I never met up to 100k.
While still a member of Christ Embassy, I got admission at University of Ibadan and I stayed with my uncle and his family who were members of Redeem Church. I had no problem attending Redeem with them and I also became a worker. As a worker, I had to stop wearing trousers, makeup and earrings. It didn’t make sense to me but I complied as the spiritual aspect of the church mattered more to me than any material thing.
Then, I finally got admission to University of Port – Harcourt to study a course I preferred and I left Ibadan.
As a 100 level student, I started attending Winners because Christ Embassy was located very far away from me. In Winners I became an Usher and also a member of the Drama department. Church was fun until I listened to Pastor David Ogbueli of Dominion city preach. I loved how realistic he sounded and I decided to decamp to Dominion City.
I found some level of peace in Dominion City back then. The charismatic teaching style and the prayers. I prayed so much that I became a prayer. I pitied my room mate back then as I would disturb the hell out of her sleep with speaking in tongues.
My life style in school until 300 level was a triangle. From my lodge to school, then church and back to the lodge. I joined protocol department then later moved to Ushering.
We were told not to have boyfriends nor get married as a student. I thought it was cute as it would enable us focus on our studies. Monday to Friday, we attended church on campus while Saturday and Sunday we paid transport to attend church in town.
I attended church 7 days a week while school was 5 days a week.We were commanded to pay tithes out of every money that touches our hands for more open doors. We sowed dangerous seeds (Money) as students to break generational curses. Some students kept sowing seeds until they became beggars hoping on ravenous birds to come to their aid.
We sowed seed towards the building of headquarters in port – Harcourt and in Lagos. We weren’t suppose to miss Camp meeting in Lagos even as students. I remembered how some students had to keep entering lifts from PH to Lagos just to attend camp meetings. What if they were kidnap? (Anyway, the Holy spirit was always there to guide them )
We were told we were planted as solitaries in the church.(Psalm 68: 6) Meaning, we are registered in heaven as belonging to the Dominion city family. We aren’t supposed to marry outside the church or leave the church. Curses were laid on those who acted contrarily to these rules.
We were to honour all the anointed. Sometimes we cook and feed student pastors. When a pastor ask you for any monetary help, you try as much as possible to look for that money and give to him. Believing that you will receive double of that.
I was so determined to do whatever It took to experience God just like I see these pastors say they do. I went through foundational class, Maturity class and DLI Basic. I paid for another advanced training called DLI advance.
After these trainings and deeper studies of the bible, I became even more skeptical. A lot of things weren’t adding up. Then I decided to take a break from church activities and focus more on my studies at 300 level.
My 400 and 500 level results were my best academic results without church activities.
I started researching on other religion such as Bhudism, Sikhism, Janism and our indigenous African religion.
The most peaceful religion from my research is Janism and even that is also ridiculous.
At the end, I gave up the search in 2016. I saw all religion for what they were. “Dangerous to humanity.”
Funny enough, one of the main Pastor laying curses on those living Dominion City, has also left to set up his own church.
I think that religion is the most dangerous and divisive ideology that we have ever produced as humans.
It is also the only ideology that is systematically protected from criticism both from within and without___Sam Harris.